dental health
By Michelle Simmons
Sugar in mints feed bacteria that rot teeth and lead to bad breath, doctors say
Chewing mints may not be the solution to your bad breath. It can actually make it worse. This claim was made by Australian-based dentist James Buchanan. He explained that even though mints are widely used to eliminate bad breath, the sugar in mints feed bacteria in the mouth that rot teeth and cause bad breath. Moreover, […]
By Earl Garcia
The dangerous dark side of flavored water revealed
Flavored sparkling water might be less acidic than sodas and fruit juices, but these drinks might just be as bad for the teeth. According to experts, sales of flavored water showed a significant increase over the years, thanks perhaps to a variety of new flavors — such as strawberry, kiwi, raspberry and watermelon — being […]
By Jhoanna Robinson
Can sparkling water damage your teeth? Some experts think so
Drinking sparkling water may be bad for your teeth due to its high acid content, experts have said. Dr. Edmond Hewlett from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) School of Dentistry said drinking fizzy water facilitated the production of carbonic acid, which, while giving the beverage its “crisp” taste, also caused teeth enamel to deteriorate, which […]
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