News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Most “energy bars” are really just candy bars in gym clothing
So we’re not going to name any names or point any fingers on this one. Just want everyone to be on the lookout – big time. The buzzword “energy” is everywhere, being used and abused by Big Food. “Energy” drinks are usually loaded with caffeine, sucralose, and sugar, setting you up for a big drop […]
By S.D. Wells
Big Tobacco has brainwashed children for decades – preparing them to be smokers by selling candy smokes and “Big League Chew”
Many of our worst habits we learn from our parents, older siblings or wild friends growing up, but other crutches we simply pick up and adopt from sinister advertising that draws us in and tempts us with clever forms of “poisonous apples.” As if it wasn’t bad enough that doctors endorsed smoking for decades back […]
By S.D. Wells
Plant-based organic JUNK food – What’s wrong with this picture?
How many times have you “made up your mind” you’re going to eat healthier, exercise more, and stick to it “this time?” Do you think you do “pretty good” at eating healthy? Do you have a pot belly, love handles, thunder thighs, or junk in the trunk? Maybe you’re not doing it “so right” after […]
By S.D. Wells
New study finds that aspartame-sweetened diet soda causes stroke, dementia risks to skyrocket… is aspartame DESTROYING brain function?
The most popular yet infamous artificial sweetener on the market just got tagged by two highly credible science studies as being correlated with accelerated brain aging. On the hook for causing smaller overall brain volume, a significantly smaller hippocampus and poorer memory, not only was aspartame implicated in the science studies, but “regular” soda also. Most […]
By S.D. Wells
CONFIRMED: Aspartame linked to blood cancers according to 22-year study conducted by researchers at Women’s Hospital at Harvard University
Monsanto, the most evil corporation on Earth, may be responsible for more chronic deterioration of human health than any other manufacturer of food and agricultural chemicals. From genetically modifying crops to spraying them with the known carcinogen glyphosate (main ingredient in Roundup weed killer), from nuclear weapons to terminator seeds (they die after one year), […]
By S.D. Wells
Sucralose EXPOSED – Artificial sweetener proven in studies to generate cancerous tumors and fuel obesity
If you read the slogan on a package of Splenda, it tells you that its main ingredient, sucralose, is “made from sugar” and “tastes like sugar,” but make no mistake, it is concocted in a laboratory and does not grow in nature, as they would have us all believe. Sucralose is a synthetic compound manufactured […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 11 “buzz words” and phrases Big Food uses to fool consumers into thinking processed foods are healthy
There’s a good reason why organic food spoils more quickly than processed food. Junk science has come a long way in the past 30 to 40 years, and to the demise of most Americans. What Big Food calls additives and preservatives “add” shelf life to foods while subtracting “real life” years from those who consume […]
By S.D. Wells
Chemotherapy, flu shots, cigarettes and diet soda – what do all these have in common?
Are you living in a chemical matrix? Do you think the commercials on television for medications are real? Are you one of those people who believes cancer can be cured with a pill, a vaccine or a volatile chemical concoction that’s “dripped” into your blood? Are you that person who always says, “Everything in moderation,” […]
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